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August 20, 2012

A special Town Meeting was held at the Senior Center, Riverside Road, Sandy Hook on Monday, August 20, 2012. The meeting was called to order by the ASSISTANT Town Clerk, Monica E. Duhancik at 6:35pm.
Present were First Selectman Patricia Llodra, Selectman William Rodgers and Selectman James Gaston. Also present were Town Attorney, David Grogins and Public Works Director, Fred Hurley, 14 members of the public. Democrat & Republican Deputy Registrars Carol Mattegat & Linda Connor were present after she read the warning of the meeting. William Rodgers nominated First Selectman, Patricia Llodra to be moderator, seconded by Selectman James Gaston. UNANIMOUS.

First Selectman Patricia Llodra stated that the purpose of this meeting was to consider and vote upon a lease for space on the Middle School roof to Aitus Power Funds LLC Seris II, for the purpose of installing solar panels thereon.

MOTION: Joseph Borst to approve the solar panels on the Middle School which was seconded by Kathy Fetchick.
All in favor, approve 11 all opposed 3.
MOTION passes –

The meeting was adjourned at 6:40pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Monica E. Duhancik
Assistant Town Clerk